The most important thing you can do every day for yourself and all those who cross your path, directly or indirectly, is to take care of your physical & spiritual needs: move your body in some way that gives you pleasure; eat nutritious food (whole, real unprocessed foods that don’t come in cellophane wrappers); and spend some reflective time that feeds your soul – a walk in nature or a few minutes of gratitude. These things come before your job and your family. It ‘s from a healthy body and a sense of purpose that you create a healthy mind and heart and the energy and motivation to make positive contributions in the world. From this place of pure energy you are often more accepting and optimistic.
You have the power to choose. Choose YOU first and what matters most will follow. What doesn’t really matter will fall away liberating you even further.
Check out some of my past blog posts if you’re stuck on ways to integrate self-care into your day for your overall health and well-being.