Before speaking, consider whether your words are an improvement upon silence. Swami Kripalu We can let the circumstances of our life harden us so that we become increasingly resentful and afraid, or we can let them soften us and make us kinder. You always have the choice. Dali Lama The […]
March 2015 – Yoga to the Rescue: Part 1 – asanas
In 2010 the University of Maryland Medical Center examined over 80 studies about the health benefits of yoga and found that yoga equaled or surpassed other forms of exercise in reducing stress, improving balance, diminishing fatigue, decreasing anxiety, lifting mood and improving sleep. What’s not to like about results […]
February 2015 – Meditation, Yoga & Breast Cancer
The Society for Integrative Oncology recently released guidelines on the most effective natural adjunct therapies for breast cancer patients. Meditation got top marks for easing depression and improving quality of life during and after treatment. Yoga helped relieve depression and might improve sleep and ease anxiety. (source: Journal of the […]