Success Stories

*All of my services & programs are available in-person and/or via phone & video *

I am privileged to work with so many amazing people. Here are just a few of my many success stories!

Lynda, thank you for a very successful coaching program. I appreciated the systematic approach that you applied to my coaching topic. The exercises you had me practice and the concrete tools you provided have positively impacted my way of being, both at work and at home. I appreciated your experience and style of coaching as well as your ability to be flexible in different aspects of the coaching program. This flexibility allowed me to have greater success in the application of new tools and practices in the context of my reality. I’m happy to report that I have continued to practice the news skills that I acquired under your coaching. Through your coaching, I have made a sustainable shift in how I interact and react to the environment around me. I absolutely recommend your effective and empathetic coaching approach. Samantha, Director.

I came to Lynda with a tangled set of barriers and frustrations in a range of areas including health and fitness, interpersonal relations and management style.  Lynda quickly came to understand what works for me, tailoring her approach to accommodate my needs, and capitalizing on my own motivations and learning style.  With Lynda’s help, I am developing greater self-awareness, have internalized some positive new strategies and behaviours, and am making significant, sustained changes in my fitness and my work life. Lynda’s approach is flexible, responsive, and practical, and underpinned with genuine respect and warmth.  Natalie Bull, Executive Director.

I am writing to the powers in charge of programming to plead for weekly sessions of Yoga for Healthy Living to continue. I am a senior citizen with some mobility issues due to my age who has benefited greatly from these sessions. My body does not ache as much as previously, my sleep has benefited as well as my well being in general. Because of Covid, I have been home bound since March 2020, unable to attend a public swimming pool which was the only type of exercise that I was able to do. The fact that I can receive Yoga sessions virtually, in my home has been very positive for my well being. Besides the above benefits, you have a very good instructor for Yoga in Lynda Peddley. She provides a variety of poses for us to work in different areas of our bodies. Her sessions provide a positive way for being active, strengthening muscles, relaxing some tendons and joints and with a cardiovascular workout. We can proceed at our own paces with alternatives given during the sessions for people with different types of body structures. I cannot thank her enough for the help that I have received through her sessions. Danelia

Working with Lynda has been transformational. After using the tools she provided, I was able to build on our sessions and create a significant shift in my approach to thinking, speaking, acting, and being in this world. She helped me loosen my grip on what I didn’t realize I was holding onto which allowed me to, at last (!), move toward my objectives and create positive change in my life. I now have a greater understanding and appreciation for all that makes us whole and complete, and with this new vantage point I have developed the confidence and resilience I need to succeed. Michelle Honerman, Entrepreneur.

Thanks so much for giving me the chance to be with my favourite yoga instructor again! I actually appreciated the privacy (of virtual yoga) as my body can’t quite do many of the poses as well, so I sometimes did my own adaptations.  I’m hoping you’ll be able to offer it again in the fall on video, for those of us who can’t be there in person. I have nothing but gratitude for all my years of yoga with you. You have been such a kind, caring and patient guide. When it comes to your participants’ varying needs and differences you are always accepting, and generous with your suggestions. You were sure missed when you moved away! However, if there’s anything good about this pandemic, it was the discovery that Zoom helped to overcome distances. I’m so appreciative that you embraced it and brought your yoga classes back to me! Lynda, thank you from the bottom of my heart for bringing yoga into my life, and for being the wonderful person you are! Jennifer

Thank you Lynda for your guidance today and for the 10 hours+ we spent together on this (coaching) journey. But more importantly, thank you for your sage advice and your ability to seek deeper reflection from me, in a most human way. I purposefully chose you as a coach because of your whole person approach, as I knew it would force me out of my type-A comfort zone. And you did so in the best possible way. Adam, Director

Lynda opened my eyes, my heart and my mind to the possibilities of being fully me. Lynda’s coaching was timely and her success with me was grounded in her ability to listen and to synthesize what she heard in a way that shifted me out of a place of feeling stuck. She helped me see the path that was available to me and offered me a picture to help me move forward. I have moved, written a book, and taken several risks since I first met Lynda. The picture she offered me is something I continue to carry with me as a reminder to celebrate the journey that is my life. BP

I wanted to let you know that I really enjoy your Yoga classes. I liked learning and exploring the Koshas through each practice this spring. You are great at putting together interesting and engaging classes and I wouldn’t ask you to change a thing. I wanted to let you know that I think of these classes as a gift to myself and I really appreciate and enjoy taking them. David

When I first talked to Lynda, I had a hard time articulating what some of my challenges were that I needed to overcome to feel more capable as a leader.  Immediately, Lynda helped me unpack what I needed to, to be able to work through obstacles in a way that made sense to me.  In a very short period, we were able to work effectively together to pin point areas for me to address, in a way that felt approachable, safe and realistic.  Lynda could sense when she needed to nudge me along and when I needed more time.  Coincidentally, I was starting an intense job competition process while Lynda and I were working together.  Without her guidance, her constructive feedback and her compassionate approach to coaching, I would not have felt equipped to participate in the competition.  Thanks to Lynda, I made it to the end of that process feeling proud of my own accomplishments, and also like I had grown in my own leadership capacity.  Lynda, thank you for your kindness, wisdom and constructive coaching!  Adrienne, A/Director

When searching for a coach, Lynda came highly recommended to me, and now I know why!  I am an accountant, not used to thinking strategically.  Simply put, I love numbers.  I sought out Lynda’s expertise to help me in my quest to become an executive in the federal government.  If it wasn’t for Lynda, I would not have attained my goal.  Lynda literally taught me how to “think outside the box”, how to realize my potential.  I knew nothing of the requirements of the government executive staffing process.  With Lynda’s encouragement and support, I was able to understand and ultimately fully demonstrate the leadership skills, abilities, and behaviours expected of a Director.  Invaluable! Cynthia Cantlie, Director.

I just wanted to drop you a quick note to tell you how much I enjoy your yoga class. It has happened more than once that your introduction and guidance throughout the class were exactly what I needed to hear at that moment. I really appreciate the way you let us experience yoga for ourselves but guide us so clearly. Already looking forward to next Tuesday’s class. Amy Mills

I have really appreciated your coaching and  the practices you have suggested. One in particular has been  very powerful for me and that is the  IREST meditation. I have tried meditation in the past, but never really connected with it. IREST is very powerful for me as it includes body, emotions and thoughts. It really helps move from one dimension thinking or feeling of ‘ either..or  to both…and’. I  can be sad about something, but also feel happiness about something at the same time – allow both to exist and not be consumed by one or the other. I also like the options of long, short and express meditations which makes it easier to use daily. I feel much more at peace and accepting of those things I can’t control. Thank-you! H.E. Executive Coach

Thank you so much for this (Peer Coaching Group) experience. I really can’t speak highly enough about the process and I learned so much. I do hope that I can weave some of what you taught us into my DNA moving forward. I know it will make be a better leader. Thank you Lynda. Alison Faulknor, A/Executive Director

Lynda was my mentor coach, preparing me for the International Coaching Federation (ICF) re-certification process.  Lynda worked with me to identify my strengths as a coach and also areas for improvement.  Through her skillful coaching, I uncovered self-limiting beliefs that held me back from coaching at my best.  Her support and encouragement throughout the coaching process empowered me to use my learning effectively with clients.  Lynda is an excellent coach and I recommend her highly. Ruth Silbert, Associate Certified Coach.

As a new executive, I was looking for support and guidance in my transition to this role. Lynda was the perfect fit! Guided discussions and a number of tools tailored for my needs, led to self-discovery and greater awareness of my preferences, strengths and weaknesses. As a result of Lynda’s ability to listen without judgement, creating a safe space for me to engage in, I feel more confident in my new role with the right tools that I will continue to draw upon every day. Pamela Wolfe-Roberge, A/Director

Lynda, I truly appreciate your help. I know that the elder to whom I gave your iRest Guided Meditation CD will be so pleased to have her own copy. She has told me countless times she listens to your voice everyday. In gratitude, Sandy.

This (Empowering Yoga) class has helped me to reduce my stress, tension and anxiety in a very therapeutic, challenging and enjoyable environment.  This type of class is a must for helping counter operational and post traumatic stress.  I was truly amazed at the change it has already instilled in me in a very short time.  Lynda is ahead of her time in this area and has a very good understanding of the wear and tear on the body from police and military work (physical and mental) as well as providing a very relaxing but challenging session.  I have never felt better after exercising.  Don.

I needed to renew my coaching credential and was in a place of resistance around doing so.  Lynda’s calm and supportive approach (to mentor-coaching) helped to move me past that resistance and allowed me to broaden my understanding of what was required.  Our time together led to new awareness and some significant changes in my own practice.  Lynda uses somatics masterfully in her practice and that experience has allowed me to include this to my practice with more confidence.  Working with Lynda was a true pleasure.  Lois MacNaughton, Integral Master Coach, ACC.

Thank you deeply for what you offered me along the years as my yoga & meditation teacher. Your presence, your dedication and love as a yoga teacher – your sharing of your learning.  I have loved my Tuesday nights, my rejuvenation night. I always came back home rested, happy & in my flow. What a gift! Catherine Reynolds.

I have been working with Lynda for the last two years.  As a cancer survivor with special needs, she is very supportive and curious, going to great lengths to develop a complete mind-body program (cardio/yoga/weight training) that is perfect for me.  Today, I am in better health than I have ever been:  I ran my first 10 kms last month and placed in the top 10% for my gender and age group; I have discovered the physical value and spiritual awakening that comes with the yoga; the weight program has left me stronger and a LOT more toned!  Friends ask me ‘isn’t a personal coach expensive?’  I say: ‘No – and it’s a lot cheaper than the gym membership you never use.’  All I need with Lynda’s program is a stability ball, some free weights, and running shoes. Lynda’s the best ‘investment’ I made for myself in years (and it is an investment – not an ‘expense’.)  NEB

Hi Lynda. Your iRest CD has been my favourite meditation since attending the ICC retreat last year. Your work has opened up some deep layers for me and I am experiencing more freedom and lightness as a result. Mark

Lynda is a fantastic coach and our work together has brought me a new lease on life. Lynda is a great listener and knows how to ask questions to help you examine your assumptions and the patterns in your life that are no longer serving you well. She helps you distill your life goals to its very essence, and then she designs tools, exercises, and practices that allow you to meet your goals. Not only does she do that with seemingly little effort, but your interactions with her and exercises will stay with you for years. If you are willing, Lynda will help you face your fears, learn from them, and be released. She is still MY coach and I still hear her words frequently, though we haven’t spoken for several years. Marc Lange, Director.

Lynda is a skilled and caring coach with a passion for attending to the growth of individuals. More specifically, she has the particular training, experience and hands-on skills to guide you to a greater awareness of your physical body in all its unique, healthy and not-so-healthy aspects. In developing your commitment to strengthening your body so that it supports you in all that you are and wish to be, Lynda is able to open possibilities for you to make the important changes that you desire in your work and life. She is gentle yet firm, light-hearted and compassionate, skilled, knowledgeable and deeply committed to working with all of who you are – body, heart, mind and soul. As a fellow Integral Coach™, I readily recommend Lynda’s Body Coach diagnostic and program development services to my clients, confident that they will discover the potential and power of their bodies to truly support them in their lives. Mary Glen.

I came to Lynda with the objective of getting in shape to do a sea-kayaking trip of 135km in Turkey for my 60th birthday. Although I am an active person, I do not regularly “work out”. I asked Lynda to prepare a home program for me with the only equipment being my yoga mat, exercise ball and a set of weights. She coached me in 10 private sessions and I followed her program for 3 months before my departure. Because of her, my sea-kayaking trip was a tremendous success. I felt totally fit and was able to complete the kayaking trip with no sore muscles! Lynda has a wide knowledge about fitness and with her coaching skills provides an environment where I felt confident I could achieve my objectives. Thank you, Lynda, for your gift for my 60th birthday. Patricia Deguise.

Last year I had the good fortune to be introduced to Lynda Pedley, just as I was toying with starting yoga.  Having had chronic back and joint issues, I knew yoga might be good for me, but was worried about having to do things that might aggravate the problem.  Not so with Lynda!  She has been fantastic; her approach is always gentle and understanding, and her classes are welcoming and comfortable.  Lynda helps and encourages us to adapt the postures to suit our particular needs, and her knowledge of body mechanics is very reassuring.  Thanks to Lynda, my body feels better and I’m hooked on yoga! Jennifer Radley.

I suffer from fibromyalgia and can have periods of ongoing chronic pain.  Lynda introduced me to the iRest program and when I was going through a particularly painful period I decided to try to use the program to see if the technique could help reduce the pain.  I practiced every day with Richard Miller’s CD and I did start feeling better.  With daily practice I was able to keep the pain to a tolerable level with little or no medication.  I continue to practice regularly and have times when I am pain free. Roxana MacDonald.

Our team of Mental Health professionals attended Lynda and Jan’s Balancing on the Waves Retreat. Our goal was to have a day to practice self-care techniques with the intention of reducing our risk of vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue in the workplace. The outline and delivery of this program met our needs perfectly. The intersecting styles and expertise of the facilitators were effective in adding various dimensions to the day. Our group particularly enjoyed the afternoon walk with a set intention, restorative yoga and meditative practice, as well as the opportunity to share our experiences in an intimate setting. The location selected for the retreat, among Wakefield’s serene nature, was the ideal environment for reflection and relaxation. Thank you Lynda and Jan for a wonderful day. Nathalie Hopkin.

I tried stand up paddling for the first time and aside from being a great workout it requires great balance. So when I found myself about to lose it and go right in .. I refocused heard your voice and actually regained and held my balance ! Lynda, I have never felt more centered and I will constantly say your mantras to keep me centered. Thank you. Meme Guerrini.

Lynda’s Blog

March 2018 – Walk into Spring with Purpose

The average person takes between 2,000 and 5,000 steps daily performing typical activities of life like moving about the house or office and doing errands. This level of activity is considered sedentary.  Here’s how physical activity guidelines rate the number of steps you take in a day. 2,000 – 5,000 […]

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Welcome to my Blog

Since 2015 I’ve posted an article of some sort every month which I have called the “Monthly Motivation”.  These articles are on topics that relate to my work and my ongoing training and experience in the areas of personal and professional growth, as well as physical, mental and emotional health […]

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February 2018 – Self-Love

You yourself as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection – Buddha What are the ways in which you are a friend you yourself? What are the ways in which you minimize, ignore or deny your own needs and wants? Every moment is an opportunity […]

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Rest Meditation for Empowerment – free 5, 15 & 30 minute guided meditation recordings. Have a brilliant day everyday with these mindfulness meditations. Enter your email address to download now.