Take back your power to heal on May 21, at 9:00 – 4:00 at the Glebe Community Centre. Join us for this FREE day of self-care. Stay all day or for whatever sessions interest you most. Register now at: http://stopbeottawa.wix.com/stop-be
Events and News
May 14 – Yoga & Meditation Fundraiser
You are invited to join me, in a partnership with the Hunt Club Community Organization for a YOGA & MEDITATION FUNDRAISER in Support of the resettlement of Syrian Refugees on May 14 at 10:00am – noon.
March 31 – April 3 Toronto Yoga Conference
You’re invited to join me at the Toronto Yoga Conference where over 100 world class yoga and meditation teachers will be presenting everything from short classes to day long workshops. I’m especially thrilled that Richard Miller, the developer of the iRest guided meditation protocol in which I am trained, will be there delivering 2 day […]